Monday, January 10, 2011

Definition of Sahaba (Companions)

The definition of companions (Sahaabah)

In the language





To accompany (Saahaba) means to keep some one a company for a specific period of time, to meet or talk to, to socialize with, to mix with, to associate with, or to keep company with (1) .All these meanings can define the word accompany depending on the situation it is used.

In the Quraan
The companionship (Sohba) is mentioned in the Quraan in many situations and we will look at all different kinds of companionships that are mentioned in the Quraan so then we can define it from the Quraan point of view.
In my analysis I will use the Quraan explanation book of Ibn Katheer (him and Fakhr Aldeen Alraazy are the most famous sunnie Quraan explicators (explain the Quraan)).
Also note that this research is wherever the word Sahaabah (companions) is mentioned in the Quraan.
1) Sorah 31 verse 15

و صاحبهما في الدنيا معروفا

In this case the companionship is between a believer and his kafir parents so it could be said its between people of different faith. (2)
2) Sorah 4 verse 36

والصاحب بالجنب

In this case is between the companions in a journey or travel regardless of their religion or faith. (3)
3) Sorah 9 verse 40

إذ يقول لصاحبه لا تحزن

In this case between a leader and a follower in a journey (travel companions, travel friend) (4)
4) Sorah 18 verses 34 and 37

فكان له ثمر فقال لصاحبه , قال له صاحبه و هو يحاوره

In this case companionship is between an infidel and a faithful (kafir and a muomin) (5)
 5) Sorah 54 verse 29

فنادوا صاحبهم فتعاطى فعقر

In this case companionship is between two bad people (infidels) (6)
6) Sorah 53 verse 2

ماضل صاحبكم و ما غوى

In this case it the companionship between the entire Muslim nation and the prophet (7)
 7) Sorah 12 verse 39

يصحبي السجن

In this case it is a forced companionship between prophet Joseph and two men who happened to be in his prison who were bad (8)
8) Sorah 51 verse 59

مثل ذنوب اصحابهم فلا يستعجلون

Between bad person and those who misguided him who were also bad (9)

(1) Al-MAWRID Arabic-English dictionary – DR. ROHI BAALBAKI
(2) Ibn Katheer book 3 page 444                                                                                                                                     
(3) Ibn Katheer book 1 page 494
(4) Ibn Katheer book 2 page 358
(5) Ibn Katheer book 3 page 83-93
(6) Ibn Katheer book 4 page 265
(7) Ibn Katheer book 4 page 246
(8) Ibn Katheer book 2 page 479
(9) Ibn Katheer book 2 page 238

Who are the prophet’s companions?

I will give the definition of Companions as mentioned by the main sunnie scholars and agreed on by the Bukharie and his teacher Ahmad Bin Hanbal.
These people are the early scholars of the sunnie school.  

Ahmad bin Ali bin Mohamad bin Ali Al- kanany  Al-askalany Al-shaafi3y (known as Ibn Hijr) defines the companions of the prophet as follows (exactly in his words):

The Sahaaby is the one who met the prophet (S) while believing in him and died on the religion of Islam (1)

Then he explains
1)      Whoever met the prophet regardless of the period of time
2)      Whoever said a hadeeth from the prophet or didn’t
3)       Whoever fought war on his side or didn’t
4)      Whoever saw him even if they didn’t sit and socialize
5)      Whoever didn’t see him because of blindness
6)      Must be some one who believes in the prophet

So in general whoever saw the prophet or the prophet saw him/her and was apparently Muslim and died allegedly Muslim, because no one knows what’s inside the hearts of people except for god, قل لا يعلم ما في السماوات و الارض الغيب الا الله (Quraan)
This means it will include the hypocrites and the Tulakaa (those who believed by force after the Mecca fell in the Muslims hands) and the good and the bad as long as they claimed Islam and saw the prophet.

Even the little kids were Sahaabah because they meet the first condition,
They cant be regarded as seeing the prophet because they didn’t understand but on the other hand the prophet saw them so they meet the first condition of the shafi3ys definition and they are Sahaabah as he mentions in his books.

حتى الاطفال صاروا صحابة

Even the kids became Sahabah (2)

ما كان يولد مولود الا أُتي به النبي

There was no little new born but that the prophet came to see him (3)

The Sahaabah will mean everyone, those who fought all wars on the prophet side since day one and those who fought all wars against him except at the end, those who obey him and those who disobey, those who sit and do nothing and those who attend wars, those who came to Islam by their desire and those who did for saving their lives, the hypocrites and the good people, and the kid and the old, and some people and their killers for example Hamza the first martyr of Islam and his killer Wahshi, even Abdullah Bin Aby the master of the hypocrites was regarded a companion because he was a Sahabay as mentioned by the prophet in the main sunnie sources (4) and he claimed Islam and meets the conditions mentioned above.
The prophet said this about him proving that he was regarded a companion:

فلعمري لنحسننّ صحبته ما دام بين اظهرنا

Will have good companionship with him so long he is amongst us (5)
As you see he used the word companion

The entire Muslim nation were Sahaabah

In fact according to this definition the Sahaabah are the entire Muslim nation.
During The prophets Dawa , the government ,the wars and the bay3a were everyone shook hand with him he got to meet everyone.
After full control of the prophet’s government over all of Arabia and in the 10th year of Hijra there was no one from the aows and khazrag left in Mecca or Medina who didn’t meet the prophet or wasn’t a Muslim and no one of them claimed kufr (infidelity) before the prophet died (6)   

(1) Al_Isabah Fee Tamyeez Al_Sahaabah – by bin Hijr Alshafi3y page 10
(2) Al_Isabah Fee Tamyeez Al_Sahaabah – by bin Hijr Alshafi3y page 7
(3) Al_Isabah Fee Tamyeez Al_Sahaabah – by bin Hijr Alshafi3y page 10
(4) Al-Tabaqaat – by Ibn Saad – book 2 page 56, and many other books
(5) Al-Tabaqaat – by Ibn Saad – book 2 page 56, and many other books
(6) Al_Isabah Fee Tamyeez Al_Sahaabah – by bin Hijr Alshafi3y page 7

The theory of the impartiality and perfection of the companions

It is agreed in the Sunnie School that all the Sahaabah are just and impartial people and whoever says they can lie or make mistakes is regarded from the innovators
Ibn Hijr Alshafi3y says: who ever doubts that all the Sahaabah are just people is from the innovators and it is compulsory to believe that they are clean because it is proved in the Quraan that they are all going to heaven and none of them will go to hell (1)
What he refers to, as Saahaba is what he defined earlier.
He also says:
If you see a man discrediting any Sahaaby know that he is an evil. And those who discredit any of the Saahaba are evil and its better to attack them (2)

Another early generation sunnie scholar says:
Whoever discredits them or says something bad about them then don’t give him food or drink and don’t pray on him when he dies (3)

This is the main reason why they claim that everything in the Sahih books is right and can’t be argued because the Sahaabah said those Hadeeths and they don’t lie or make mistakes.
This means all the people who met the prophet are of the same creditability and none of them can ever lie so we must take their hadeeths for granted.
They are all impartial and the same. those who god blasts in the Quraan for being hypocrites and those who the prophet executed and those who fought against the prophet all the time and those kids who the prophet saw while he was dieing and every one of them will go to heaven!!!!
They use the following verse to justify this
لقد رضي الله عن المؤمنين اذ يبايعونك تحت الشجرة فعلم مل في قلوبهم فانزل السكينة على قلوبهم و اثابهم فتحا قريبا  
God is pleased with the faithful ones that give you bay3a under the tree and knows what’s in their hearts so he granted them with tranquility and an instant victory Sorah 48 verse 18
They say all the people who shook their hands with the prophet in that event are guaranteed to go to heaven
I wonder how this verse proves what they have concluded?
This verse puts a condition of faith so first of all its not talking about all of the ones who gave bay3a under the tree and secondly it doesn’t guarantee them heaven because they were still alive and they could have become bad at any moment. If they understand the Arabic of the verse it says god is pleased on them at that instant and doesn’t say guarantee them heaven and doesn’t say they can never change or become bad. All it says about the faithful ones of them is that god will grant them victory and is happy about them nothing to do with guaranteed heaven.
This ideology is in modern Christianity were a criminal goes to the priest and asks for forgiveness then the priest puts the cross on him, reads some stuff and blows on him then tells him to go and continue his journey, he is forgiven forever no matter what happens tomorrow even if he keeps killing people!!!!  

(1) Ibn Hijr Al-shafi3y Al-Isaaba fee Tamyeez Al-Sahaabah –page 9 and 10
(2) Ibn Hijr Al-shafi3y Al-Isaaba fee Tamyeez Al-Sahaabah –page 17 and 18
(3) the big sins by alhafz alzahaby page 238 and
     the openions of the Muslim scholars –by murtada alaskary –page 85

I advice everyone to read and have a think about the Quraan

Sorah 48 verse 10

ان الذين يبايعونك انما يبايعون الله يد الله فوق ايديهم فمن نكث فإنما ينكث على نفسه ومن اوفى بما عاهد عليه الله فسيؤتيه اجرا عظيما        
Those of you who give bay3a (swearing allegiance) to you are giving bay3a to Allah the hand of Allah is above their hand therefore whoever breaks he breaks on himself and whoever keeps promise god will give him a mighty reward
Sorah 48 verse 11
سيقول لك المخلفون من الاعراب شغلتنا اموالنا و اهلونا فاستغفر لنا يقولون بألسنتهم ما ليس في قلوبهم قل فمن يملك لكم من الله شيئا ان اراد بكم ضرا او اراد بكم نفعا بل كان الله بما تعملون خبيرا

 Those of the dwellers of the desert who were left behind will say to you: our property and our families kept us busy so ask forgiveness for us. They say with their tongs what is not in their hearts. Say: then who can control anything for you from Allah if he intends to do you harm or if he intends to do you good; nay Allah is aware of what you do
Sorah 48 verse 15

سيقول المخلفون اذا انطلقتم الى مغانم لتأخذوها ذرونا نتبعكم يريدون ان يبدلوا كلام الله قل لن تتبعونا كذلكم قال الله من قبل فسيقولون بل تحسدوننا بل كانوا لا يفقهون الا قليلا

Those who are left behind will say when you set fourth for the gaining of acquisitions: allow us we may follow you. They want to change the word of Allah. Say: by no means shall you follow us thus did Allah say before. But hey will say: nay you are jealous of us. Nay they do not understand but little
They change the word of Allah too as god says in this verse so how could everything in the Sahih be Right?????

قل للمخلفين من الاعراب ستدعون الى قوم أولي باس شديد تقاتلوهم أو يسلمون فإن تطيعوا يؤتكم الله اجرا حسنا و ان تتولوا كما توليتم من قبل يعذبكم عذابا اليما

Say to those of the dwellers of the desert who were left behind: you shall soon be invited to fight against a people possessing mighty prowess; you will fight against them or they will submit; then if you obey, Allah will grant you good reward; and if you turn back as you did before then he will punish you with a painful punishment
  God is saying bad things about the dwellers who were left behind and they are Sahaabah and the proof for that is how can they not be Sahaabah and at the same time they are fighting on the prophets side so according to the sunnie definition all these people are Sahaabah and all the following versus is talking about the Sahaabah also 

Sorah 9 verse 47,48,49
لو خرجوا فيكم ما زادوكم الا خبالا و لا اوضعوا خلالكم يبغونكم الفتنه و فيكم سماعون لهم و الله عليم بالظالمين * لقد ابتغوا و قلبوا لك الامور حتى جاء الحق و ظهر امر الله و هم كارهون * و منهم من يقول ائذن لي و لا تفتني الا في الفتنة سقطوا و ان جهنم لمحيطة بالكافرين
Had they gone fourth with you they would not have added to you except corruption, and they would certainly have hurried about among you seeking (to sow) dissension among you, and amongst you those who listen to them; and Allah knows the unjust*certainly they sought (to sow) dissension before, and they meditated plots against you until the truth came, and Allah’s commands prevailed although they were averse (from it).*and among them there is he who says: allow me and do not try me. Surely into trail they have already tumbled down and most surely hell encompasses the unbelievers  
و من حولكم من الأعراب منافقون و من اهل المدينة مردوا على النفاق لا تعلمهم نحن نعلمهم سنعذبهم مرتين ثم يردون الى عذاب عظيم

And from among those who are around you of the dwellers of the desert hypocrites, and from among the people of medina also, they are stubborn in hypocrisy; you do not know them; we know them; we will chastise them twice then shall they be turned back to a grievous chastisement.
“Around you” means they are Sahaabah

I don’t want to keep going since there are a lot more versus that I don’t memorize and cant think of now but read all these versus
I will give the other versus that talk about bad Sahaabah
Read also Sorah 9 verse 53 to 71, 73 to 90, 92 to 110 and 119 to 121 all talks about people who were Sahaabah of the prophet but were bad people

Also read the Sorah of the hypocrites 

For further discussion email me on
Ali Mohamad

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