Saturday, January 8, 2011

911 Simple Physics Structural Failure Vs Demolition

This is a video documentary I made about 9/11.

The mathematical formulas used here are not the proper way for obtaining a real figure but they are based on assumptions in order to obtain a value fore the absolute minimum time needed for the collapse process.

the Assumptions are:
* That the intact structure below the impact zone will not arrest the falling structure above it and will allow it to continue the collapse.

* That the intact structure below the impact zone will behave like a fluid allowing the falling structure above it to flow through it but only providing it with an average resistance force equal to the weight above the crumbling zone at any instant... (this is a reasonable assumption because the structure is designed to support the static load of the weight above it at any point throughout the length of the building so it will provide at least that force before it gives up or breaks)
obviosly the real resistance force from the intact structure below will be alot more until it passes the elastic region and the plastic deformation then fructure but this calculation can give us the absolute minimum time needed.

The proper way to do this is to use strain energy methods and you will find that the collapse will be arrested and not allowed to continue.

911 WTC twin towers New York USA Bin laden freefall speed controlled demolition structural failures melting steel pancake theory crushing crippling buckling shear failure
speed of fall projectile 911 truth movement WTC 9/11 9-11 September 11th Physics World Trade Centers conspiracy theory terrorism terrorist suicide hijacking CIA silverstien inside job illuminati speed velocity acceleration Newton's laws of motion Newton's second law mass gravity fire weight resistance force reaction force kinetic energy gravitational potential energy conduction convection radiation heat transfer heat capacity

Part 1

Part 2 

Part 3 


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